Number Round-Up TM
Hints for Playing
Cooperate - take turns, discuss, strategize
Number Round-Up is enhanced when two players play together.
As you take turns, you can discuss the numbers you're sending and develop team strategy.
Keep talking while you play. You'll learn together and get better at the game. And, you'll both end up smarter!

It's good to know that Number Round-Up stores where you left off for the next time you launch the game.

Wranglers - tricky little puzzles you set up
Wranglers prepares you to play a Level's Mystery Round-Up. As Wranglers you get familiar with the Level's corral names.
Each time you choose a new combo of corral names, you've created your own tricky little puzzle to solve.
So, with four horses you must get one into each possible area. And, all four areas (Left, Intersection, Right, Outside) MAY be possible!

You'll want to get good at predicting where any number you're about to send will belong. You can practice by pointing to the area you predict and stating, "This number belongs here because..."

You can start with trial and error. Just try something. Then reflect. Especially if you've made a mistake. Ask yourself, "Why does that number belong there and nowhere else?" Remember, the world's smartest tiny horses always take your number to the correct area.
    To send a number to
  • the Left Corral, think "ONLY [left corral name] NOT [right corral name]."
  • the Intersection, think "BOTH [left corral name] AND [right corral name]."
  • the Right Corral, think "NOT [left corral name] ONLY [right corral name]."
  • the Outside, think, "NEITHER [left corral name] NOR [right corral name]."

Once you've solved your puzzle, you'll earn a Combo Champion Buckle. You may play Wranglers again and again for more practice and collect more buckles. You'll receive a new buckle for each unique combo you solve.
When you feel ready, move on to Mystery Round-Up.
See the FAQ for information on how to view and print your Buckle Collections.

Mystery Round-Up - deduction, the heart of the game
Guessing the hidden corral names is the heart of Number Round-Up.
With 8 horses to send, you can try a variety of numbers to gather clues.
Notice that when a horse takes a number outside the corrals, that can be an excellent clue! Can you think why?
Build on each clue. Think, "What do I need to find out now?" "What number will give me an answer?"

Ready to guess? Analyze the evidence you have, explain your theory aloud. Then guess the corral name to test your theory.

Did you guess wrong? Specify what went wrong. Ask yourself, "Is there a number in an area that shows why my guess is wrong?" Or "What additional clues did I need to correctly guess the corral names?"

A wrong guess sends you back to that Level's Wranglers for more practice. A correct guess allows you to move on to the Ribbons Round.

Remember, new hidden corral names are chosen for each Mystery Round-Up and Ribbons Round.

Ribbons Round - strategize for the highest scores
Ribbons Round is where you score!
Now each number you send does two things: gives you a clue to the hidden corral names AND adds to your score.
Send large numbers for high scores.
It doesn't matter if your number belongs inside the corrals or outside, it still adds to your score AND gives you a clue to the corral names.

Ask yourself questions like, "What's the largest number I can send now that will give me a clue I need?"

If you name the corrals correctly and you have some horses left, a bonus of 80 will be added to your score for each horse you haven't sent. Is it always better to guess early or should you send another horse?

Keep playing in the Ribbons Round until you score 400 or more to Level Up!
See the FAQ for information on how to print your High Score Ribbons.

Levels - the first 3 levels
Below are the first three levels.
You can play again or jump around to repeat levels, get more practice on a level and try for a better score in a Ribbons Rounds.
Use the selections at the top of the settings dialog.

Corral Names
Level 1Level 2Level 3
  • Even Number
  • Odd Number
  • Count by 5
  • Count by 10
  • Less than 50
  • Greater than 50
  • Multiple of 2
  • Multiple of 3
  • Multiple of 4
  • Multiple of 5
  • Odd Number
  • Less than 50
  • Greater than 50
  • Multiple of 6
  • Multiple of 7
  • Multiple of 8
  • Multiple of 9
  • Odd Number
  • Less than 50
  • Greater than 50

  • Challenge Level - the custom level
    Below are the three built-in challenges.
    You can switch between them or create Your Custom Challenge under settings .

    Corral Names
    Herding ChallengeOpen Range ChallengeSquare Dance ChallengeYour Custom Challenge
  • Multiple of 2
  • Multiple of 3
  • Multiple of 4
  • Multiple of 5
  • Multiple of 6
  • Multiple of 7
  • Multiple of 8
  • Multiple of 9
  • Even Number
  • Odd Number
  • Less than 10
  • Greater than 10
  • Less than 50
  • Greater than 50
  • Less than 90
  • Greater than 90
  • Even Number
  • Odd Number
  • Square Number
  • Prime Number
  • Less than 50
  • Greater than 50
  • Design your own Level!
    You pick out a custom set of corral names.
    You set the number of horses.*

    * Do you need practice with 8 X 6? How about 8 X 7?
    Many people do! Challenge yourself. Set up:
  • Multiple of 6
  • Multiple of 7
  • Multiple of 8
  • Greater than 50
  • Less Than 50
    If you allow 6 turns for each player, that's 12 horses. You'll get lots of practice!

    It's good to know that Number Round-Up stores your custom challenge for the next time you launch the game.

  • Start Over - play again from the beginning or jump around
    You can reset scores and reset the game under settings .
    You can reset a high score to zero or reset all the data to begin again with Level 1.

    You can also play again or jump around to repeat levels, get more practice on a level earning more buckles and try for a better score in a Ribbons Rounds. Use the selections at the top of the settings dialog.